T E C Industrial works in various highly complex civilian and government-owned facilities, all of which required highly skilled and technically proficient managerial and craft personnel. Many of these locations and sites are classified as “essential,” As such are highly secure environments that require extensive background checking of our employees and continuous security and HSE training. T E C Industrial has consistently demonstrated a high-performance level on these projects where site efficiency faces unique requirements, and representative examples appear below:

Location: Erwin, TN
Project: Prime Contractor Services
As the general contractor, T E C Industrial assists the client’s organization by continuously providing versatile construction and plant services technicians. Our nested, on-site team provides self-perform electrical, mechanical, and civil support for construction and plant support projects, demolition and dismantlement projects, along with other services at the client’s production facility.

Location: Greenville, SC
Project: Maintenance and Operations Support
T E C Industrial provides operation support, maintenance, and capital project construction services for a World Class Gas Turbine Manufacturing Facility and Test Cells. In addition, the highly technical workforce performs test stand construction and combustion test data analysis for the client. We furnish a mix of millwright, piping, welding, and general mechanic skill sets required to prepare and convert components for hi-pressure, hi-temperature diagnostic analysis.
Our scope of services includes operations support, maintenance, test changeover support planning and scheduling, and logistics.

Client: Army Ammunition Plant
Location: Kingsport, TN
Project: Process Plant
T E C Industrial built this brownfield process plant as the Prime contractor. The Plant was a $120MM + investment and involved process piping, distillation columns, an 8-story structural steel frame, tank farm, caissons, grade beams, instrumentation, controls, switchgear, and MCC. In addition to self-performing E&I and Mechanical work, T E C Industrial provided complete construction management services, including costs, scheduling, and quality management. The project peaked with 300 skilled craftsmen and was completed in late 2018.
T E C Industrial achieved over 300,000 safe work hours on this project, including TECI & Subcontractor hours.

Client: Army Ammunition Plant
Location: Radford, VA
Project: Boiler Conversion/Replacement
T E C Industrial provided mechanical, piping, and electrical construction on this $60 MM TIC project to install six natural gas-fired boilers and tie them into the former coal-fired boiler steam headers. The project included setting boilers, fabrication, and installing steam piping systems, including a schedule 80 24″ high-pressure steam line, foundations, structural steel erection, equipment installation, electrical power distribution, switchgear, controls, and instrumentation.
T E C Industrial self-performed steel erection, mechanical, process, piping, and E&I work scopes. Employment reached over 100 during the construction phase.

Location: Kingsport, TN
Project: Capital Construction Services
T E C Industrial is a pre-qualified construction contractor who performs capital projects at this company’s various chemical plant sites. Projects have ranged from small to major capital investments over $100MM TIC. They include brownfield chemical plant construction, debottlenecking, and process modifications to technology upgrades, including DCS conversions.
We perform various projects that require skilled craft disciplines and technical competencies. This includes pipe fabrication and installation, continuously mechanically the equipment and vessel setting, alignment, rigging, ironwork, electrical system installation, instrumentation and controls, distributed control system installation, fiber optic networks, and access control projects.
T E C Industrial works as a prime, self-perform contractor with complete project management responsibility and some projects where we are a single discipline specialist depending on the client’s specific project delivery choice.

Location: Greeneville, TN
Project: Greenfield Liquid Ammonium Nitrate Plant
T E C Industrial was selected as Prime Electrical and Instrumentation contractor for the greenfield Ammonium Nitrate Solution plant. This Plant was a $280MM investment. Our scope included site utilities, power distribution, switchgear, substations, high and low voltage, DCS and PLC controls, instrumentation installation, and calibration.

Location: St. Paul, VA
Project: Station Capital, Modifications, and Outage Projects
T E C Industrial supports our client’s mechanical, piping, electrical, and instrumentation needs for this 600 MWe hybrid fuel power station.
Crews perform maintenance-related projects during scheduled outages and various capital projects. This plant is modernized to include large bore piping systems, ash handling systems, wash stations, cooling tower maintenance, large ash damper replacements, structural installations, fiber/data/security, and various E&I projects.

Location: Multiple Sites
Project: Construction Management
T E C Industrial provides Construction Management Services for Capital Projects at multiple locations in the United States. Our services include Construction Management, QA/QC, and Project Controls. This provides our client with CM professionals to match the fluctuating work levels without the cost of holding resources, making them as variable as their capital spend.
We match the right construction professional to the project’s needs, ensuring a good “personality” fit with the client project team, operations, and leadership.

Location: Hopewell, VA
Project: Boiler & Utility Systems Upgrade, Installation, and Construction
T E C Industrial provided mechanical, piping and electrical construction on this $30M TIC project to install two 250,000#/hr. natural gas fired boilers. The project included setting of boilers, fabrication and installation of piping systems, structural steel erection, associated equipment installation including BFW system, air compressors and water softeners, electrical power distribution, controls and instrumentation. Employment reached over 100 during the construction phase.